
Excuse me, Roger Waters is the Canceller in Chief.

Not only does he want to cancel all Israeli artists and anyone who plays in Israel, he also wants to cancel anyone who either supports Israel or stands in the way of his hatred. We are talking about a guy who festoons a pig balloon with swastikas and Jewish stars, sieg heils and goosesteps on stage, hangs out with Holocaust deniers and questions it himself. A guy like that is going to turn off an awful lot of people. You cite a glimpse of his bizarre and conspiratorial views.

Going around supporting terrorists and historical revisionists, embracing Naxi symbolism and values, questioning who started the war against Ukraine, all of this gives a terrible image, really bad for business. When Waters advocates boycotts against Israel and Jews, it's just bigotry. He's the public face of BDS, called neo-Nazi by Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and both major UK political parties.

Sorry, but without David Gilmour and the others, he can't sell enough tickets or get enough streams to make all that ugly baggage worth it to a profit-seeking business.



Stephen Shaiken, Author & Blogger
Stephen Shaiken, Author & Blogger

Written by Stephen Shaiken, Author & Blogger

Criminal lawyer now a writer. Author of a 6 novel thriller series set in Bangkok & one rock novel set in 1971 NYC. Loves guitar, yoga, travel, nature, politics.

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