For two thousand years, Christians preached that Jews were doomed to wander the earth without a state, because they rejected a messiah that never existed. They launched crusades to seize our homeland and murdered us. They occupied it, and tried to keep us out. They set up an Inquisition to root us out and kill us. None of that worked. Now ee have a state, we have a refuge, and it seems to really bother certain so-called Christians. (Though most Christians in America are very Zionist, not at all like this writer; his views are European, where the Holocaust comes from.) Every generation of Christians produces some with a new reason to hate us. We're use to it, and we survive while the others disappear. In our more than 5,000 years as a People, we've seen many, many religions come and go. Christianity is just another one. They know this, and it makes them hate us more. So keep writing, and hope that in the distant future, someone bothers to read it. And feel free to keep your advice to yourself, no Jews are going to take you seriously.