I don't know what world you live in. A world where other nations want to help the Palestinians repair the damage caused by Hamas, or to facilitate a state, is a delusion. So is the theory of "genocide" and "war crimes."
According to the UN, 75% of Gaza is obliterated, and it will take 350 years to return to the pathetic state they were in before Hamas screwed them beyond imagination.
99% of the population is alive, because they were given warnings, and if Hamas did not use human shields, even less would have died. Aid is coming in, all children were vaccinated against polio. There is no genocide, no war crimes, just a nihilistic terror group that thinks building up the death toll helps them.
It does not. Gulf States have cut numerous deals with Israel to get high tech, no one is sending serious aid , let alone troops, and not a single Muslim or Arab nation will accept Gazan refugees.
There is only one nation in the world that really matters as a superpower, and that is the US. We are 100% behind Israel, and we just send 100 troops to help them take down Iranian missiles.
A Palestinian state is currently a dream, an aspiration to be revisited in a generation or two. It's all up to Israel and the US; no one else will do squat except make noise. Looking at what's happening to Lebanon, and what's about to happen to Iran, I wouldn't bank on any nations helping Hamas or even Gaza. Thanks to Hamas, it's going to be decades of nightmare living for anyone who remains in Gaza. Notice how Iran and Qatar gave them hundreds of millions, mostly going to weapons and tunnels which are being blown up as we write.
Israel just offered Hamas a way out: lay down their arms, release all hostages, and the remaining terrorists will not be harmed. That's incredibly generous, considering their leaders are under indictment for killing 40 Americans on Oct. 7. Hamas refused, seeking more death and destruction, which they are absolutely going to get. If Hamas insts that Israel kill every one of them, they will, but a lot of human shields will die thanks to Hamas.
As the late Israeli diplomat, Abba Eban remarked way back in 1973, "The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."
They did it again!