Israel made an offer: Hamas lays down their arms, releases all hostages, presumably leaves Gaza, and they will be allowed to live. That deal will accomplish all you seek. With the new Trump Administration coming in within 8 weeks, Bibi Netanyahu will be given all the arms he needs and a green light to do whatever hae wishes. One by one, all US allies will fall in line and do nothing to help the people of Gaza. If the Qataris, the Saudis, and others with connections to Hamas can persuade them that it's over, all they can do is get more people killed, and offer them refuge, this war will be over. I voted for Harris, and support an eventual 2 state solution, in the future, but I am a realist: with the election of Trump, the people of Gaza face only two possible futures: 1.) Hamas surrenders, the fighting ends, and the long process towards a new civil society and long-term plans for statehood begin; 2.) Hamas keeps fighting, Israel eventually crushes them, occupies Gaza, and the possibility of a state drops to almost zero.
No one is forcing people to continue fighting for Hamas, aside from those already in the terrorist group. Anyone in Gaza who takes now up arms and fights with Hamas instead of allowing them to wither is part of the problem and the deaths, not part of any solution.
There is probably a window period between now and the start of the new Trump term, in which Hamas can arrange for a surrender and departure. I urge them to do so, and the people of Gaza should urge this as well. .It's their lives Hamas is sacrificing. After January 20, 2025, Netanyahu will have no reason to compromise at all, as he'll be able to have his way across the board.