Member-only story
There’s only one story today: the Iranian missile attack on Israeli population centers, fortunately foiled by the air defense systems of Israel, the US, the UK, France, and Germany. All of those allies helped take down drones and missiles and provided cover and intelligence for Israel. (There are also unconfirmed but highly credible reports of intelligence passed on from Jordan, the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, all of whose air space was violated by the criminal attack by Iran.)
Israel can’t expect any help from the UN; they will be on Iran’s side, and we’ll be lucky if we don’t learn UN people were helping Iran, as they helped Hamas carry out the October 7 pogrom.
Iran and it’s enablers will cry that this was a legitimate response to Israel’s bombing of a fake “consulate,” in reality a terrorist command center, and Israel killed at least seven military commanders. By contrast, Iran launched missiles at civilian areas. Don’t be shocked when the same miscreants who say Israel overreacted to the October 7 pogrom now argue Iran’s response was proportional. Let’s see if those hypocritical voices call the Iranian attack a war crime.
Israel deserves full support from its allies and all rational citizens of the world in whatever response it opts to use. Iran is a rogue and terrorist regime that began its existence with the seizure of the US Embassy and holding hostages for over a year. They blew up the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1994 and have been supporting racist terrorists in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.