That's what you say, but not one nation has taken a single meaningful step against Israel. They can buy weapons, share intelligence, and maintain diplomatic relations on some level with a majority of the Arab nations, several of whom assisted Israel when Iran attacked. Gaza, on the other hand, hs been reduced to near rubble, their entire infrastructure wiped out, Hamas steals what aid comes in, and it definitely does not look like the world will do a thing for the people of Gaza except wring hands. No country is accepting refugees, and aid to UNRWA was decimated after it was revealed they were infiltrated by terrorists. Why: because every single nation on this earth would do the same as Israel were they attacked . It is this sense of defeat and the recognition that a Palestinian State is on hold for at least a generation, that fuels the anger and vitriol from the other side. When will they figure out that kind of hatred and embrace of terrorists is why the Gazans are in such a terrible place. Egging on and encouraging terrosim and nihilism? That's a reason why no one is helping them and o one is taking in Gazan refugees, not even neighboring Arab nations.