There are 250,000 Jews of Ethiopian descent in Israel. They are there because the Israeli public took to the streets and demanded their government do more to bring them to Israel. In what other country have the people demanded their government bring in more Black people?
You've got some ignoramus popping off as if they knew what they were talking about, claining "almost all Zionists are US/European colonist or their offspring." This is absolute nonsense. An overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews are non-European, be they Mizrahi, Sephardic, Ethiopian, Indain, Persian, Turkish, Latin American. (My wife is a Jew, though born a Filipino Catholic.) We're not a race, we are a People, united by belief and ideals, one of which is Israel. Anyone who really wants to can become a Jew and be granted Israeli citizenship. Extreme right wingers, ie.e, Nazis and White supremacists, and extreme left wing Jew haters, claim we are a race. Neither membership in the Jewish world nor the Right of Return have anything to do with race.