This man was a decent, working, family man, a loyal citizen of Israel. He was kidnapped, held hostage, tormented, treated, in his own words, no different than his Jewish co-citizens. He rejoiced when he heard the sound of Hebrew; he knew his IDF had rescued him.
Not a word about any of that. Instead, a manufactured pro-Hamas propaganda piece making up a fantasy about exploting a ciitzen they just rescued.
You don't have an ounce of empathy, sympathy, or humanity within you.
I understand your frustration. October 7 was a genocidal massacre, but in the end, it has destroyed Gaza, and if there is ever to be a P:alestinian State, it wil be at least a generation away, under Israeli control all that time.
That's what people like you and Hamas have done to the peopl of Gaza, and you're still doing it. All those violent campus protests and street disruptions have hardened the American people against you. Kamala Harris would not allow one of her Palestinian suppporrters to speak, because she feared people who think like you would create a flor disruption and play into Trump's hands. Your Congressional mouthpieces, Cori Bush and Jamal Bowman, were just booted out of ffice.
You've lost, you're losing more each day, and all you can do is wtite the sam mindles screeds we see on a million other cut and paste pieces.