Whatever one thinks of any of the parties in the Middle East, whatever ideology, history tells the truth. The truth that those lands were always known as Judea and Samaria until 1967. The names came from the Biblical Jewish Kingdoms, but remained in use through countless conquerors and occupiers of the Jewish homeland. The Arabs attacked Israel several times after they refused to abide by international law and accept the creation of the modern Jewish State, and in 1967, were outfoxed in a preemptive strike, and those lands were captured by Israel. The term "West Bank" began to replace the ancient and standardized geographical names, and in 1967, most Arab nations began using that term as the official name, and it spread. Personally, I don't care what name is used, I call it the West Bank these days, and I believe the lands belong as part of a future Palestinian State, which due to the Hamas attack, is now at least a generation away. But everyone should know the actual history, and the reasons for the original name and the politically-charged name change.
The only advice I'd give you is this: talking about the end of Israel or it's destruction or disappearance is: a.) an insane pipe dream, generally held by Jew haters or people who are untethered to reality.; b.) it's a total nonstarter in any negotiations, so if you think the Palestinians should wait even more than a generation for a state, keep that up. People who think that way don't realize they are the worst enemies of the Palestinian People.