Member-only story
Every time she speaks, she drives voters away from our party.
Shades of HRC’s disastrous start of her 2016 campaign after the DNC got away with coronating her by placing several thumbs on the scale. (Little things like refusing Bernie Sanders access to the list of donors all candidates are supposed to have, and by giving HRC the debate questions in advance.)
The failed candidate who wrote off a quarter of all voters as being in “a basket of deplorables,” is at it again.
When asked by a late night talk show host what she would say to voters who are disenchanted with both Trump and President Biden, her advice was “Get over yourself. Those are the two choices.”
In an article in today’s edition of The Hill, Democratic strategist Mark Longabaugh said that such a remark was evidence of Clinton’s propensity to be “tonally off-sync.” He’s being diplomatic. (I’ve posted a link to the article at the end of this piece.)
You don’t say!
Is there anyone who can tell HRC that every time she opens her mouth, she hurts Dems? Has she considered that Dems need to get over her and the policies and approaches that gave us Trump in the first place? Has she forgotten how her “deplorables” comment took millions of voters off the table by Labor Day?
“Those are the two choices” was the best she could come up with? Talk about damning with faint praise! Remember what our mothers taught us: if you can’t say…