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No Arab or Muslim countries offers refuge to suffering Gazans. Aside from weapons to kill Jews, that world has given them nothing. We need to look at history to understand why. If they wanted a Palestinian State, they surely haven’t done a thing to make one a reality.
First, let’s look at how Gaza wound up as an inhumane refugee site.
In 1948 war, Arab nations launched a war in response to the UN approval of the creation of the modern State of Israel, accomplished by partitioning the British Occupied Israel into Arab and Jewish segments. The Jews accepted peace and participation, but the Arabs chose war and religious hatred, which some of them have kept ignited to this very day.
During their ill-fated war of aggression, thousands of Arabs living within the borders of Israel were falsely told by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem that the Jews were planning to kill them, and they had to leave; that’s how they wound up in Gaza. Let’s take a closer look at this Grand Mufti fellow, who spread those lies that ruined the lives of so many Arabs by driving them into refugee camps, where their Arab brethren have happily allowed them to suffer for over 75 years, offering unlimited sums for weapons and terror, but very little to help improve Palestinian lives.
Interesting historical fact: After the 1948 Arab war of aggression, the Gaza Strip, as it was then known, fell under Egyptian harsh Egyptian military control, which…